
Can Demodex Mange be treated and cured?

Demodex mange can be treated but not cured. Mange is “incurable” do to the fact that mites live on all dogs. In some dogs, they’ll cause disease, either localized (in patches) or generalized. The generalized form, where the dog loses a lot of hair, scratches themselves raw and develops skin infections, can be life-threatening. This seems to be more common in young dogs and old dogs, who may have either immature immune systems or have developed other diseases in later life that weaken them.

It certainly CAN be treated in many dogs at least to the extent that they’ll regrow their hair and no longer be miserable. You need to look at your dog and decide how his life is being affected by the irritation and whether or not he needs treatment, since the condition may well clear up without any treatment at all, as your dog gets older. But for goodness’ sake, take him back to the vet if he’s miserable.

If the vet you took him to already didn’t offer suggestions – then you may need to take the pup to another vet if you think he requires treatment.

Demodex are known to be a microscopic ectoparasite that has natural environment on lower form of mammals (e.g. dogs, cats). This parasite specifically targets the hair follicles of the mammalian host causing it to have a large amount of hair loss or sometimes patches of hair loss in the body (or what we can call alopecia).

Not all house pets would show signs of demodex infestation; it also depends on their immune system. Some would acquire it through their mother since birth or through the nursing period.

Demodectic mange usually occurs on the feet. Diagnosis of such demodectic mange is by skin scrapping, microscopically diagnosing any presence of demodex parasite on the skin of the pet. And with a positive result it is necessary to immediately undergo treatment.

Sarcoptic, demodectic mange is a skin condition impacting dogs with suppressed immune system. These tiny mites strike the dogs skin. Red and sarcoptic mange multiply within the hair roots of the affected dog. Demodex can be found on the skin and hair of most dogs. If these mites stay in modest numbers, they are unable to cause any problems, given that the immune system is performing effectively.

Dog mange are invisible to the human eye and can be uncovered only under the microscope. Research indicates that specific breeds of dogs are at risk of this skin illness. Sarcopic mange in dogs has two forms: localized or generalized mange. Both forms need treatment. If left without efficient therapy, sarcoptic mange won’t quit thriving and producing additional skin issues to your dog. The localized form of mange affects specific body parts: face, ear and feet. This demodex can be diagnosed in puppies with underdeveloped immune system . It occurs when there is increase of mites which can not be stopped by a poor immune system.

As soon as you notice first signs of demodex mange: isolated and irritating hairless patches, you need to start helping your dog to bring these mites under control by applying topical medications. You might consider other options which can help to restore the defective immune system of your dog. The localized demodex mange is not as difficult to treat as generalized form. Regular use of anti mange shampoo following with application of demodex care creams and/or ointments along with healthy diet should help your dog to get rid of the mites fairly fast. The generalized form of sarcoptic mange is a severe form, it affects whole body. This type of dig’s demodicosis needs much more aggressive treatment.

Luckily, almost 90% of demodectic mange are localized, affecting small parts of dogs body. There are few anti sarcoptic treatments available. While choosing the therapy for your dog, you must remember about the main cause of this skin illness. The suppressed immune system is the main reason why your dog has demodicosis (increased number of demodex mange). Widely used Amitraz dips, Benzoyl peroxide and other similar medicine are harsh chemicals. Unfortunately, it takes time to bring the number of mites under control. The whole point of treatment is to restore the immune system. If you can not help your dog to have back strong immune system then the whole treatment is useless. The antibiotics and chemicals, if used for long time, have negative side effects – it weakens immune system. If you choose these products, as powerful as it might be, this medicine should only be used for short time as preventative measure, to stop the infection.

What is the Safe Shampoo for Dogs and How will i know if the shampoo i bath my Dog with, Safe? Is it safe to use human or baby shampoo on my Dog?

It is natural that All of us as dog lovers, want our dogs to look good and have a healthy skin and coat. There are many shampoos for dogs available to choose from. Unfortunately, many dogs shampoos are made with harsh chemicals, artificial additives and irritants. When used for long time, these chemical substances can either exacerbate a skin problem or contribute to a skin reaction affecting the immune system of your pet’s skin. Suppressed immune system of your dog’s skin can lead to Demodex mange – when tiny skin parasites get out of control and start causing skin problems to your dog.

In order to avoid such skin complications and prevent demodex mange, you should look for a natural – organic shampoo. Soap less shampoo without preservatives, parabens, SLS, or waxes is what your dog needs.

Alfa is all natural – safe shampoo for Dogs. It uses extra-mild cleansers made from coconut. The shampoo can be safely used for puppies or dogs with sensitive skin. Natural formula of this soap-free, tear-free and pH-balanced dogs shampoo, lathers quickly and rinses easily. It contain a blend of natural neem and citronella oils to help repel pests and protect your dog outdoors. The lavender scent with a calming effect, keeps your pooch smelling fresh and clean. Most important, the Alfa Shampoo boost immune system of your dogs skin, helping to prevent demodicosis.

