
Doghouse Direct- Unique, high quality hand selected items for your furry dog friends.

Get 17% off all of our Luxurious Dog Beds. Use Coupon Code LDB722.  Good for West Paw Design and Big Shrimpy Dog Beds


Do you like Dancing with the Stars ? Have you ever heard of Free-Styling ? We have been schooling our newest dog and her trainer recommended we watch Dancing with the Dogs to see how far a Dog can go. Have you heard of Free Styling ? I had not either. You have to watch [...]


Happy Fourth of July ! We would like to take a moment to celebrate the freedom we enjoy in our blessed United States of America! Please enjoy your time with friends and family as we will be. While you are enjoying your events and parties please remember to keep your dogs safe. Fireworks are beautiful [...]


Dogs are the most amazing creatures. They love us, are loyal, and can be trained to do amazing things.I have always wanted a dog who had really special talents. The latest edition to the DogHouse, Cocoa, is going to learn agility, once she matures a bit more Police Dogs are real troopers and provide a [...]


This is what I figured Dogs think about wearing boots ! Disclaimer: We do not sell dog boots !


